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Eight Natural Homemade Remedies to Treat Acne Scars

Author Zeinab El-Fiqi
Time 6/3/20, 12:00 AM
Eight Natural Homemade Remedies to Treat Acne Scars

Acne is a nightmare for most people; I personally suffered from acne for so long, but with time I learned how to control it and how to deal with it. Also, you learn that there’s nothing better to your body than natural products, water and a healthy diet. I'll share with you eight natural homemade remedies to treat acne scars, which certainly helped me, but first, let me explain to you three major rules you should never break:

1. You should always be hydrated; water is the main key to getting a healthy body and skin.

2. You should never be harsh on your skin, scratching and popping pimples is not allowed under any circumstances.

3. When you’re using products that strip minerals and oils from your skin, you should always be using a non-greasy moisturizer. Even if you have an oily skin, when you strip it of its oils completely, it fights back with excessive oil to prevent skin cracking.

Now let’s move on to the eight homemade remedies to treat acne scars:

1. Lemon juice and glycerin:

Did you know that glycerin is one of the best homemade remedies to treat scars? Glycerin works as a hydrating agent to your skin. It has a saturating property that allows your skin to breathe. When mixed with lemon, you allow it to work on bleaching the dark scars and healing cracked and tired skin. Apply this mask twice a day, and be patient with the results.

2. Honey to treat acne scars:

Honey is also one of the most popular and loved homemade remedies to treat acne scars. Honey works as an anti-inflammatory agent, meaning, it reduces red spots and overall redness of your face caused by acne or vigorous acne treatments.

3. Rosewater:

Rose water is one of the natural remedies for acne that my mother has always told me about. Just a daily sprinkle of rose water on the face can prevent acne from appearing, and can reduce the acne scars. Celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian and Eva Mendes swear by the magical effect of rosewater on their skin.

4. Include more Omega 3 into your diet:

"You are what you eat" is the most accurate thing to say, whatever you consume and put into your body shows on your physical health. One way to treat acne scars is by eating food that contains Omega 3. How can Omega 3 treat your acne scars? Omega 3 supports healthy skin repair, and it can even help prevent future acne scars. You can find Omega 3 in walnuts, salmon fish, sardines fish, scallops, shrimps, and tuna fish.

<<< what your facial breakouts are trying to tell you about your health.

5. Lemon and water:

Lemon mixed with few drops of water is probably the most popular home remedy to treat acne scars. Lemon doesn’t only help bleach dark scars caused by acne; it also helps keep your skin clear from acne.

6. Aloe Vera gel 

The gentle Aloe Vera gel is not really common among the natural remedies to treat scars. Unfortunately, people usually tend to seek more vigorous and skin-irritating products to heal their skin. But actually, Aloe Vera is more of a soothing natural home remedy for acne and acne scars. With time, Aloe Vera heals the scars and keeps your skin happy and soft as a baby.

7. Cucumber to treat acne scars:

Cucumber is the king of hydration, and to keep your skin looking great and fresh, you need to hydrate it. Cucumber may not be directly related to treating acne scars, but everything good you do to your skin plays a great part in the healing process of acne scars. 

8. Olive oil:

Olive oil with its anti-oxidant characteristic is one of the best ways to treat acne scars. Olive oil works an anti-aging agent too - when used in moderation you can see an improvement after a while. 

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Be comfortable in your own skin! We'll tell you how to maintain your beauty through our Skincare section here.

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Zeinab El-Fiqi

Zeinab El-Fiqi

Since she was a little girl, Zeinab El-Fiqi enjoyed listening to music while she sat down on the floor to write short stories. She always found writing a way to express herself. Growing up, she always...

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