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14 Tricks to Stay Satisfied When You're Starving at Night

Author Engy Elghannam
Time 6/22/23, 5:00 PM
14 Tricks to Stay Satisfied When You're Starving at Night

We've all experienced those late-night hunger pangs that tempt us to raid the pantry for unhealthy snacks. But fear not! With some simple and healthy tricks up your sleeve, you can satisfy those cravings without derailing your diet or disrupting your sleep. In this article, we'll explore a variety of easy-going strategies to help you navigate nighttime hunger and make smart choices that keep you feeling satisfied and nourished. From incorporating balanced meals to selecting protein and fiber-rich snacks, and even more tricks. These tips will empower you to take control of your late-night hunger and promote a healthier lifestyle. So, let's dive in and discover how you can conquer those midnight cravings in a wholesome and enjoyable way!

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14 Healthy Tricks to Tackle Nighttime Hunger Pangs

1- Hydrate: Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Start by drinking a glass of water. This can help determine if you're actually hungry or just dehydrated.

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2- Go for protein: Protein-rich foods take longer to digest, which can help keep you feeling full for longer. Consider snacks like a hard-boiled egg, cottage cheese, or a small serving of lean meat or fish.

3- Choose fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are generally low in calories and high in fiber, making them a good choice for late-night snacking. Opt for options like sliced cucumbers, baby carrots, or a small apple.

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4- Mindful eating: Take your time to eat slowly and savor each bite. This allows your brain to register the feeling of fullness, preventing you from overeating.

5- Herbal tea: Sip on a cup of herbal tea, such as chamomile or peppermint. These can have a soothing effect and help suppress hunger.

6- Distraction techniques: If you're feeling hungry but know you've had enough to eat for the day, try engaging in a distracting activity like reading a book, doing a puzzle, or practicing a relaxing hobby to take your mind off food.

7- Choose low-calorie, high-volume foods: Certain foods have a high water and fiber content, which can help you feel full without consuming excessive calories. Examples include celery sticks, air-popped popcorn (without added butter or oil), or a large salad with lots of leafy greens and vegetables.

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8- Consider a small serving of dairy: If you tolerate dairy well, a small portion of low-fat cheese, a cup of skim milk, or a serving of plain yogurt can provide protein and help satisfy hunger.

9- Incorporate healthy fats: Including a small amount of healthy fats in your late-night snack can increase satiety. Try having a few slices of avocado, a tablespoon of nut butter, or a handful of olives.

10- Plan balanced meals throughout the day: Eating balanced meals with adequate protein, healthy fats, and fiber throughout the day can help regulate your appetite and prevent excessive hunger at night.

11- Evaluate your stress levels: Emotional or stress-related eating can contribute to nighttime cravings. Find alternative ways to manage stress, such as practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in physical activity, or journaling.

12- Create a sleep-friendly environment: Poor sleep can disrupt hunger and fullness hormones, leading to increased appetite. Prioritize good sleep hygiene by creating a comfortable sleep environment, establishing a bedtime routine, and ensuring you get enough restful sleep each night.

13- Practice portion control: If you decide to indulge in a snack, be mindful of portion sizes. Use small plates or bowls to help control your portions and prevent overeating.

14- Avoid sugary or processed foods: While it may be tempting to reach for sugary snacks or processed treats, they can lead to energy crashes and disrupt your sleep. Opt for whole, nutrient-dense foods instead.

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Engy Elghannam

Engy Elghannam

Hii. This is me Engy Elghannam. Fashion has always been my passion; it always makes me happy to create my own unique style combination. Reading fills up my heart, I love reading all kind of books; I s...

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